Today's Bing Wallpaper

Bing(United States)

Blue whale skeleton in the Natural History Museum, London, England

© Bailey-Cooper Photography/Alamy

International Museum Day - Tail of the whale

In the grand Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum in London, UK, a skeleton named Hope soars overhead—a blue whale caught mid-dive above the heads of awestruck visitors. As we mark International Museum Day, there's no better time to celebrate our world's repositories of history, art, and science. The event emphasizes the importance of museums as a means of cultural exchange, the development of mutual understanding, and cooperation among people.

The Natural History Museum in London, pictured, was established in 1881 and boasts 80 million specimens, including fossils, minerals, and taxidermy exhibits. Hope's 83-foot-long frame is the entrance hall's centerpiece. Let Hope inspire a visit to your local museum this International Museum Day, reignite curiosity, and spark wonder in your heart.

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